

In the beautiful mountains just south of Taipei Katka and I followed the Stretch Yoga Therapy workshop conducted by Nicole Wang.


It is actually a strange thing. We are given a body and by growing up nobody is teaching us how we can increase awareness of our body alignment. And that it is important is clear, it can prevent back pain, headache, neck pain, arthritis and joint pain, scoliosis, asthma, wrong blood pressure and it helps to increase the function of the organs and can even prevent surgery.


So it is great to meet someone who can make your aware of a right body alignment. Over the years you might had some injuries. Working for too long in the same posture. And your body will adopted to this, and as long as you don't know about your body the problems might get worser.

In my case I worked a couple of years as a train conductor carrying a heavy bag on my left shoulder. I knew it was hurting, but carrying it on my right shoulder was not comfortable since I am right handed. So I just ignored the painful feeling. Many years later I can still have severe pain in my shoulder including my left chest.


During the workshop my body was corrected in the right (straight) alignment. And the result where spectaculair: not only did the pain disappeared, but I also seem to walk lighter. And because of the opening of my chest I can breath much easier. Asana practice is a complete new experience! 

And now the hard work for me is starting. Doing daily my advised exercises is only a small part. 


Growing awareness of my body alignment in my daily life is a bigger challenge. Suddenly I realize how twisted I can sit by a table eating a beautiful taiwanese soup. Realizing is one thing, but how to sit then? The table is low, there is a cross under the table so no rooms for my legs. I am for sure to big for this country to make my body alignment an easy thing :-)


But I will work hard on my growing awareness, so that I can finally get to know my body better. Being able to know for myself what a right body alignment is is one of the great things I take with me from this workshop. And I would advise everybody who has the opportunity to visit one of Nicole's workshops (you know she is coming to Europe?).


And a special message for Nicole and everyone who participated in the workshop:


The days with you where very special and I am carrying all of you in my heart. I never thought I would be able to like it to sleep all together in one room but now I know I can even miss that :-)


Love you all


And let's make it a new christmas ritual! See you all next year


    身心療癒師Nicole 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()