

Stretch Yoga Therapy - Taiwan 2016

Some opportunities seem to fall directly from heaven and so it was with the extraordinary Christmas this year. I spent it on the workshop of Stretch yoga Therapy in Taiwan with a special teacher Nicole Wang and Taiwanese students who became my friends!


It was the most magical workshop in my life. Here I learnt to see! I use my eyes every day but seeing in the way teached by Nicole requires a new way of looking… It is the use of eyes in connection with intuition and deeper awareness. To do so I need to learn to switch off the analytical brain - to really see another person means to be completely “here and now" and to forget our ego and connect with other human being.


As a yoga teacher I am used to “feel” the body and mind of my students but thanks to Nicole I could develop this ability to a new level. Looking at the the posture of a person is not only about tension of muscles or position of the spine and pelvis. The analyse of a posture becomes a discovery journey where we can find out the real reasons for our “twists” of body and mind.


We first studied the new way of looking at a posture and then Nicole teach us the techniques how to help a person to get back in balance. I believe that the reason I got my life is to help others. Nicole, my dearest friend, you gave me many new tools for fulfilling my dharma and I am very grateful. I realized that to practice a yoga therapy means to create a really deep connection with another person - mental and emotional level play here the same importance as the physical connection. In this way 1 + 1 = 1. And this special connection we all shared for 4 days in the nature - lectures, practice, cooking and eating together (ok, the “animal” was a challenge :o) 


thank you all for the great time, you will stay in my heart as the most magical Christmas present!



    創作者 身心療癒師Nicole 的頭像

    身心療癒師 Nicole.W 羽暄

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